- Introduction to Derivative Free Optimization with A. R. Conn and L. N. Vicente. Available from SIAM Series on Mathematical Programming. December 2008 / approx. xii + 277 pages / Softcover / ISBN: 978-0-898716-68-0. Errata
Selected Papers
- Stochastic ISTA/FISTA Adaptive Step Search Algorithms for Convex Composite Optimization, with Trang H. Tran and Lam M. Nguyen, 2024.
- Stochastic Adaptive Regularization Method with Cubics: A High Probability Complexity Bound, with Miaolan Xie, Winter Simulation Conference 2023.
- Sample Complexity Analysis for Adaptive Optimization Algorithms with Stochastic Oracles, with Billy Jin and Miaolan Xie, to appear in Mathematical Programming.
- Finite Difference Gradient Approximation: To Randomize or Not? INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2022.
- Nesterov Accelerated Shuffling Gradient Method for Convex Optimization. with Trang H. Tran and Lam M. Nguyen, ICML 2022: 21703-21732.
- First- and Second-Order High Probability Complexity Bounds for Trust-Region Methods with Noisy Oracles, with Albert S Berahas and Liyuan Cao, to appear in Mathematical Programming.
- Global Convergence Rate Analysis of a Generic Line Search Algorithm with Noise. with Albert S Berahas and Liyuan Cao, SIAM J. Optim. 31(2): 1489-1518 (2021)
- High Probability Complexity Bounds for Adaptive Step Search Based on Stochastic Oracles with Billy Jin and Miaolan Xie, to appear in SIAM J. Optim, (conference version NeurIPS 2021: 9193-9203)
- A Theoretical and Empirical Comparison of Gradient Approximations in Derivative-Free Optimization, with Albert S Berahas, Liyuan Cao, and Krzysztof Choromanski, Found. Comput. Math. 22(2): 507-560 (2022).
- Inexact SARAH Algorithm for Stochastic Optimization, with Lam M. Nguyen and Martin Takáč, Optim. Methods Softw. 36(1): 237-258 (2021)
- Optimal Generalized Decision Trees via Integer Programming, with O. Gunluk, M. Menickelly and J. Kalagnanam, J. Glob. Optim. 81(1): 233-260 (2021)
A Stochastic Line Search Method with Expected Complexity Analysis, with Courtney Paquette, SIAM J. Optim. 30(1): 349-376 (2020)
- Adaptive Stochastic Optimization: A Framework for Analyzing Stochastic Optimization Algorithms, with Frank Curtis, IEEE Signal Process. Mag. 37(5): 32-42 (2020)
- Novel and Efficient Approximations for Zero-One Loss of Linear Classifiers with Hiva Ghanbari, and Minhan Li, 2019.
- New Convergence Aspects of Stochastic Gradient Algorithms, with Lam M. Nguyen, Phuong Ha Nguyen, Peter Richtárik, Martin Takác and Marten van Dijk, J. Mach. Learn. Res. 20: 176:1-176:49 (2019)
- A Stochastic Trust Region Algorithm Based on Careful Step Normalization, with Frank Curtis and Rui Shi, INFORMS Journal on Optimization. 1(3), 200–220 (2019)
- Proximal Quasi-Newton Methods for Convex Optimization, with H. Ghanbari, Comput. Optim. Appl. 69(3): 597-627 (2018).
- Convergence Rate Analysis of a Stochastic Trust Region Method via Submartingales with Jose Blanchet, Coralia Cartis and Matt Menickelly, 2018.
- Stochastic Optimization Using a Trust-Region Method and Random Models, with R. Chen and M. Menickelly, Math. Program. 169(2): 447-487 (2018)
- Global convergence rate analysis of unconstrained optimization methods based on probabilistic models, with C. Cartis, Math. Program. 169(2): 337-375 (2018)
Optimization Methods for Supervised Machine Learning: From Linear Models to Deep Learning, with Frank E. Curtis, Informs TutORials, pages 89–114, (2017).
Stochastic Recursive Gradient Algorithm for Nonconvex Optimization, with L. Nguyen, Jie Liu and M. Takac, Technical Report, (2017).
- Alternating direction methods for non convex optimization with applications to second-order least-squares and risk parity portfolio selection, with Xi Bai, 2015, technical report.
- Practical Inexact Proximal Quasi-Newton Method with Global Complexity Analysis, with Xiaocheng Tang, Mathematical Programming, 2016, 160(1-2) pp 495–529
- Least-squares approach to risk parity in portfolio selection, with X. Bai and R. Tutuncu, Quantitative Finance, 2016, 16(3), pp 357-376.
- Aligning ligand binding cavities by optimizing superposed volume, with B. Chen and R. Chen, in BIBM 2012.
- Convergence of trust-region methods based on probabilistic models, with A. Bandeira and L.N. Vicente, SIOPT, 14(3), (2014), pp. 1238-1264.
- Fast first-order methods for composite convex optimization with backtracking, with D. Goldfarb, FOCM, 2014, 14: 389-417.
- Efficient Block-coordinate Descent Algorithms for the Group Lasso. with Z. Qin, and D. Goldfarb. Math Prog. Comp., 2013, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp 143-169.
- Computation of sparse low degree interpolating polynomials and their application to derivative-free optimization, with A. Bandeira and L.N. Vicente, Math. Prog., Series B, (2012), 134, pp 223-257.
- On partially sparse recovery, with A. Bandeira and L.N. Vicente, 2011
- Fast alternating linearization methods for minimizing the sum of two convex functions, with D. Goldfarb and S. Ma, 2013, Math. Prog. Series A, 141: pp 349-382.
- Sparse Inverse Covariance Selection via Alternating Linearization Methods, with D. Goldfarb and S. Ma, NIPS 2010
- SINCO – a greedy coordinate ascent method for sparse inverse covariance selection problem, with I Rish, 2009
- Optimization Methods for Sparse Inverse Covariance Selection Problem. with S. Ma, In S. Sra, S. Nowozin, and S. J. Wright editors: Optimization for Machine Learning, MIT Press, 2010
- Row by row method for semidefinite programming, with Z. Wen, D. Goldfarb and S. Ma, submitted, 2009
- A Derivative-Free Algorithm for the Least-square minimization, with H. Zhang and A.R. Conn, submitted, 2009
- Self-correcting geometry in model-based algorithms for derivative-free unconstrained optimization with Ph. L. Toint, to appear, 2009.
- A MAP approach to learning sparse gaussian markov networks. with N. Bani Asadi, I. Rish, D. Kanevsky, B. Ramabhadran, ICCASP 2009.
- Global Convergence of General Derivative-Free Trust-Region Algorithms to First and Second Order Critical Points , with A.R. Conn and L.N. Vicente, SIAM J. on Optimization, (2009).
- Geometry of Sample Sets in Derivative Free Optimization: polynomial regression and incomplete interpolation., with A.R. Conn and L.N. Vicente, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2008 28(4):721-748.
- Geometry of Interpolation Sets in Derivative Free Optimization., with A.R. Conn and L.N. Vicente, Mathematical Programming, 111 (2008), 141-172.
- Product-Form LDL^T Factorizations in Interior-Point Methods for Convex Quadratic , with D. Goldfarb, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2008 28(4):806-826.
- IBM Research TRECVID-2006 Video Retrieval System with M. Campbell, S. Ebadollahi, D. Joshi, M. Naphade, A. Natsev, J. Seidl, J. R. Smith, J. Tesic and L. Xie.
- Detecting Generic Visual Events with Temporal Cues. with Lexing Xie, Dong Xu, Shahram Ebadollahi, Shih-Fu Chang, John R. Smith. In Proc. 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, October 2006.
- An Efficient Implementation of an Active Set Method for SVM, J. of Machine Learning Research 7 (2006) 2237-2257.
- (Conference version: Incas: An incremental active set method for SVM, with Shai Fine (2002) ).
- Product-form Cholesky factorization in interior point methods for second-order cone programming, with D. Goldfarb, Mathematical Programming, v. 103 (2005), pp. 153-179.
- A product-form Cholesky factorization method for handling dense columns in interior point methods for linear programming, with D. Goldfarb, Mathematical Programming, v. 99 (2004), pp. 1-34.
- Incremental learning and selective sampling via parametric optimization framework for SVM, with S. Fine, in “Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems” 14, MIT Press, (2002) 705-711.
- Efficient SVM training using low-rank Kernel representations, with S. Fine, J. of Machine Learning Research, Special issue on Kernel methods, 2(2001) 243-264.
- Manual for FORTRAN software package DFO v1.2, (2001).
- Parametric linear semidefinite programming, , In “Handbook on Semidefinite Programming”, eds. H. Wolkowicz, R. Saigal, L. Vandenberghe, pp 92–110. Kluwer, 2000.
- On parametric semidefinite programming, with D. Goldfarb, Applied Numerical Mathematics, v. 29(3), pp. 361-377, 1999.
- Modified barrier-penalty functions for constrained minimization problems, with Goldfarb D., Polyak R. and Yusefovich B. Computational Optimization and Applications, v. 14(1), pp. 55-74, 1999.
- A derivative free optimization algorithm in practice, with Conn A. R. and Toint Ph. L., Proceedings of 7th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, St. Louis, MO, 1998.
- Interior point trajectories in semidefinite programming, with D. Goldfarb, SIAM J. on Optimization v. 8(4), pp. 871-886, 1998.
- Recent progress in unconstrained nonlinear optimization without derivatives, with A.R. Conn and Ph. L. Toint, Mathematical Programming v. 79 (1997) 397-414.
- On the convergence of derivative-free methods for unconstrained optimization, with A.R. Conn and Ph. L. Toint, “Approximation Theory and Optimization: Tributes to M. J. D. Powell”, eds. A. Iserles and M. Buhmann, pp 83–108, 1997.
- Issues related to interior point methods for linear and semidefinite programming., PhD Thesis, Dept. of IEOR, Columbia University, 1997.
- Extension of Karmarkar’s algorithm to convex quadratically constrained quadratic , with A. Nemirovskii, Mathematical Programming, v. 72 (1996) 273-289.